About us
Board of directors
Vision Statement
Under Standing the World Today
Calendar of Events

It was January of 2008, I was in prayer and I heard the voice of the Lord tell me to go back to the Body of Christ and tell them to study the Art of War.

I sought the Lord a second time, and again was told the same thing, and so the operation order had been issued by our Commander and Chief, The Captain of the Host, The Angel of the Lord, none other than Jesus himself.

I asked for direction and initially obtained an audio copy of The Art of War as written by Sun Tzu. I listen to it several times to garner what it was that I was to use to tell the body of Christ. What I listened too brought back memories my time in the military, and I soon understood why God had chosen me for this assignment.

Initially I began telling family and friends about the assignment, but was not ready for the blowback I received or the ridicule. As a result I felt like maybe I was hearing incorrectly or that maybe something even greater (victim of an over active mind). For two years I would let the assignment/vision stand still, telling whoever would listen, but it was not until I shared it with a good friend and brother in the Lord; Minister Marshall Ayers that the vision became alive again. His excitement rekindle mine and we discussed the how to bring it into operation. I sought some leadership advice from my Father in the Gospel, Bishop Donnie N. McGriff, Christ Temple International Ministries {El Cajon, CA}.

With his advice and Gods order, Gods Army of Churches, Inc. was born as more than a mere thought.

I would later share in conversation of the vision with Prophet Joel Thompson, of Jonesboro, AK and he confirmed that God had showed him men of God dressed in Army attire. He in turn introduced me to Apostle Robert A. Warren, of Baton Rouge, LA.  I prayed and felt that these three men would be the nucleus or inner circle. I contacted my brother Minister Cloyce Henry, Manhattan Beach, CA and explained to him about the vision and he too was very excited about it. A meeting was scheduled and the first Board Meeting was held November 10th, 2010.  By February of 2011 a prayer line component entitled “The Soldiers Call to Worship,” was established and currently is conducted daily M-F 8 am EST. To date many prayers have been answered and testimonies given to the power of prayer and agreement. As of July 7, 2012 a Bible study component entitled “The Walk to Wisdom,” was launched and is conducted Saturday morning at 11 am EST via phone conference line and skype.